Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I'm with Mike walking through Manchester. We're running around cause I need to pay certain people. We walk through all these boot camp areas in the back alley's of Manch. Wind up going through a dance hall and interrupt everything that is going on. But we wind up seeing someone kill someone and steal their vehicle. We have to then run through all the basic camps so we can get away from the bad guys. We wind up changing our clothing and are in full acu's. I have to go into a pawn shop to pay them about a hundred dollars and I wind up talking to the lady. This shop was just big enough to stand in and wasn't long at all. She told me something about my future and such cause she was also a psychic. I paid her then left. We had to run through the city again and the bad guy was right in front of us. We started in with one of the basic camps drills and were ok. Next thing I know we're in my vehicle and we're driving to our house. It wasn't in Manch, or NH even. All I know is I woke up.

Friday, May 6, 2011


I'm so irritated today. With everything in general. I don't quite understand why I am the one who has to take care of everything. I feel like if I say something I'm just going to get told to shut up or to just do it myself. So I do it myself. It makes me not want to bother with any of this shit anymore. All I know is if things aren't different after all of this, I'm gone. I won't be seen by anyone in my life again. I'll go pursue whatever I choose to. I'll do it myself and make my life the way I want it.